The blog restarts the activity after two months “out of duty” and we’ll try to put an end to a former question: what happen when the right to perceive regular unemployment benefits (“prestaciones”) ends? What are the choices for unemployed people with no incomes?
The answer is not easy; there are several different aids in cash under the umbrella of the so called “subsidio por desempleo”. Some of them are targeted to specific groups as rural workers from Andalusia or Extremadura, prisoners after their release, Spanish immigrants in no-European countries which decide to come back home… Now we’ll summarize the most usual cases. But first of all, some preliminary comments:
- There are an increasing number of unemployed people which don’t perceive neither “prestaciones” nor “subsidios por desempleo”.
- In August, the Spanish Government has strengthened the conditionality to access to “subsidios”.
- The most of the times “subsidios” are linked to be the only income of the household. What does it mean? Let see! A young unemployed perceives a 426 € monthly amount “subsidio” so he decides to come back to his parents home. At this moment he’ll lost his “subsidio”.
- The amount of the “subsidio” usually is the 80% of the Public Index of Multiple Incomes (IPREM).
Amount (2012)
Unemployed, under 45 years, finished their unemployment benefits (prestaciones por desempleo) and family responsabilities
18 – 24 months
426 €
Unemployed, over 45 years, finished their unemployment benefits (prestaciones por desempleo) and family responsabilities
24 – 30 months
426 €
Unemployed, over 45 years, finished their unemployment benefits (prestaciones por desempleo) and no family responsabilities
6 months
426 €
Unemployed, without previous right to perceive unemployment benefits and no family responsabilities
3 – 6 months
426 €
Unemployed, over 45 years, finished their unemployed benefits (prestaciones por desempleo) and family responsabilities
21 months
426 €
Unemployed people over 55 years old
426 €
So to be a Spanish unemployed isn’t a good business. Furthermore, more and more Spanish unemployed are under the poverty threshold.
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